The Evangelion RPG: Information ((Note: ** indicates missing sections; * indicates sections that need more work)) In this page, you will find: 1. Background Info 2. Locations * 3. Basic NERV Info 4. Mecha Info * 5. Angel Info * 6. School Info * Background Info The Earth was struck on September 13, 2000, by a large meteorite in the Antarctic region. Such was the force of the impact that the Earth was tilted further on it's axis and the South Pole ice cap, the continent of Antarctica, melted, raising ocean levels all over the world. Cities were buried under hundreds of meters of water and many lives were lost. The weather patterns becames irregular and natural disasters occured in the most unlikely regions. However, after some time, the weather settled into a light, spring-summer season. People started to regain their lost lives or built new ones. It was thought that the impact, now dubbed the Second Impact, was caused by a meteorite. Few know the truth. It was really the Second Angel. (No, that's NOT the first Angel... the SECOND Angel.) An exploration team was at the South Pole at the time of Impact. Most died. However, a few survived to form the organization known as NERV and began building the top-secret Angel-combating weapon. A weapon known as Evangelion. Let's be honest... we're all familiar with the basic tenets of how the Eva universe works, right? Normal laws of physics are in effect; people really do bleed and die (on quite a regular basis, at times!), and otherwise it resembles modern-day society, with a bit better in the way of computer and medical technologies. Crowded it's not, as three fifths of humanity bought it a scant fifteen years ago. Even with the post-impact population explosion, it'll be a long time before the world needs to worry about overcrowding again. Locations It's Tokyo-3, neh? Not many established locations, so far... NERV Headquarters - Well, it IS in the Geofront, but it doesn't exactly live up to the majesty of what you might remember from the series. The underfunded NERV staffers have had to make do with stone-walled excavations, making for a truly impressive Evangelion hangar and more than a few colds for the staff in question. While full restraint and docking facilities are available for one or two Evangelion units, and work has started on more, this is woefully inadequate to house the fourteen scheduled Evangelions. NERV Command Center - It's set up just above and away from the hangars themselves. Fairly large and empty. One wall is covered with the requisite observation screens, and there are three terminals for operators. Slightly above those is a "command deck" setup for the Director of Ops and sundry personnel. Lots of packed boxes, until everything gets unpacked. 401 North St. - A largish apartment building which will be assigned as a sort of pilot barracks, once there is a supply of pilots for it. Eight two-room apartments per floor, six floors. (No, you don't have to be a pilot to live there.) Shinonome Intermediate - The nearby school where pilots will complete their education. Fairly normal and sedate, despite the name. This is -it- so far, folks. If you want to set a scene elsewhere, go ahead. Very few rules... no subterranian stuff, as it'd bump into the Geofront. No huge fortified buildings (think the RNC branch from Ninja High School). That's all there is to say about that. Basic NERV Info NERV was founded by Luna Ayanami in July 2001, only ten months after the Second Impact. It was created under the title of "The Defense Project". World leaders couldn't see the need for such a project, as it was after the Second Impact and so many countries were fighting for their own survival that they couldn't fight with each other. The world leaders had no idea what the project would be defending against, but they authorized the project anyway, more to humor Luna Ayanami than anything. It was renamed NERV five years later, in an effort to draw attention away from the project which was recieving numerous complaints that it had taken too long to complete and was costing too much money. Of course, this is despite the constant complaints from various NERV staff that the project was underfunded to start with. In fact, most of the construction staff was recently laid off, along with many of the supplementary technicians and sundry personnel. In 2015, the Project was finally completed, and Luna Ayanami sent for the pilots it would need to operate the Evangelions. They are still top secret, and will be until such time that they need to be uncovered fully. Eva Info All 14 Evangelion Units are in Japan and at least close to operational. They are accessible to pilots only. There are various military mecha around, and only apply to military characters. There is no civilian mecha. In case you never got technical specifications on the Evangelion units in the first place... An Evangelion is, basically, a large but skinny armored robot. They are fully humanoid, aside from variations in the facial structure and coloring, fully identical as well. Large shoulder paldrons extend from the top of each shoulder, housing the theoretically-effective Progressive Knife, as well as several attachment sites for various hardware. The Evangelion is powered by a large, heavily-reinforced power cord, which is capable of sustaining a Unit indefinitely. Detached, the Unit carries five minutes of normal maneuvering power. This power is reduced to one minute if the pilot is forced to generate an AT field (read: combat situation), an extremely power-intensive activity. Of course, the Eva are NOT simply big robots. They have many organic components and characteristics underneath the armor, and do in fact bleed if injured severely. There are some indications of instabilities in the robot's control components; technicians attribute this to many possibilities, but normally agree on pilot error or even latent psychosis of the pilot. The Evangelions have few weapons at their disposal. Foremost is the aforementioned Progressive Knife, which is theoretically capable of penetrating an AT field on physical contact due to intense vibration, and is self-powered. The aptly-named Pellet Rifle, which looks like a very large battle rifle of European manufacture, is also available though much less effective. Naturally, the staff of NERV is working around the clock to incorporate the latest technologies, and the more... interesting members are constantly coming up with more and better ways to combat the enemy. The AT field itself deserves a small amount of explanation. Essentially, it is a force field. The field manifests itself in an orange-red, octagonal shimmer of energy around any attempt at penetration. The fields on the Evangelions are rated to withstand any weaponry short of a direct attack by N2 weapon. Theoretical data suggests that AT fields are mutually destructive; that is, if two targets attempt to engage an AT field against one another's attacks, neither field will prove effective. The field strength is highly variable for reasons that are poorly understood at this time. The Evangelion unit is piloted by a mental link betweeen the robot and a single human pilot. Through this link, the pilot may effect the motion of the robot as if it were his or her own body. Gross motor control is accomplished by simple thought, although secondary controls are available to augment fine operations. Dual weapon controls assist the pilot in projectile-weapon targeting; a visual overlay unit is also available, but normally stowed to keep it out of the pilot's way. While synchronized, the pilot will have access to the sensorium of the unit (eg, visual, audio, and tactile feedback are all present.) Unfortunately, the feedback does include pain and current technology offers no way to damp the signal, meaning that severe trauma to the unit will coincide with agonizing pain to the unit's operator. Also, for poorly understood reasons, the Evangelion units are incapable of attaining proper synchronization with any pilot over fifteen years of age, and all test pilots of older vintage suffer from massive insanities or were listed as missing in action. In case of damage, the Evangelion unit should withdraw from the combat area. The armor varies in thickness from 220mm at the joints to an awe-inspiring 1200mm at the thickest point in the chest. The armor is a special composite of high-carbon steel, vanadium, and tungsten, mounted on titanium supports for maximum flexibility. Damage that penetrates this armor will necessarily interfere with the proper function of the Unit, and may only be repaired through a special regrowth process. Theory and construction notes suggest that the reconstruction of an entire arm or leg could be effected in as little as two weeks, given an absence of complicating factors and sufficient work force. Other Military Info NERV has a small detachment of the 41st Guard battalion of the Japanese Ground Self-Defence Forces, for use as site security. The Japanese military has several fully functional units of ground armor, large numbers of VTOL craft, and quite a few wings of fast attack aircraft of undetermined type at its disposal. In case of attack by Angel, or if the Evangelion defense is incapacitated, these forces will be augmented by United Nations regular troops, which consist of much the same material. (And lots of it, because the average Angel will hamburger many, many normal troops.) Standard military doctrine holds that even the largest target is still vulnerable to the much-vaunted N2 (non-nuclear) weapon. A standardized warhead, it has a yield estimated at twenty kilotons, with none of the secondary radioactive or environmental effects of a similar fission or fusion device. The N2 weapon may be launched from bomber craft, from land-based cruise missiles, from naval missile platforms, or left as a stationary weapon. These are NOT standard issue to Evangelion units. No modern military fields mecha-type units. Certain specialized applications in heavy industry use small exoskeletons to augment the strength of human operators, though every known model would require heavy augmentation to be used effectively in the field. Angel Info What, you didn't think there would be Angels? Yes, there will be Angels. Lots of them, probably. Before an Angel actually attacks, all players will be notified by e-mail about the timing and particulars. Please, PLEASE keep this knowledge separate from character knowledge... while it's okay to have your crack pilot "edgy" for no particular reason, none of these guys can accurately forcast an attack any better than Misato could. (And no, no PCs are privy to any "scenario", even if it exists at all.) School Info Only applies to pilots and students. All pilots and potential pilots the same age go to one class at a junior high school. There are other schools within the city. More information about schools will be posted as it becomes available. ((Character and combat information is placed in a seperate file on the main page.))